Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Take A Chill Pill: An entrepreneur's guide to dealing with stress

The tension is building and you can barely think at times. Trying to reel everything in so you can figure out what this awful feeling of overwhelmingness is....oh wait it's stress! What's causing it? Is it that difficult deal I'm negotiating? Maybe it's because my profit margins are not quite on pace of where i need them to be to make payroll next week. Maybe it's the toll my busy schedule has taken on my relationships with my spouse and children. There are a million things that can cause stress in our lives as entrepreneur's and in order for us to be truly successful, we must learn to manage it. Rest assured in the fact that no matter how busy & stressed you are, those other guys who have "made it" dealt with a thousand times your busyness & stress levels on their way to getting there.

I was reading a article that stated a survey by TalentSmart showed that 90 percent of top performers know how to manage their emotions in times of stress so that they remain cool, calm, and able to do what needs to be done.

This is one of the most valuable traits of an entrepreneur, we know how to stay cool and get the job done that needs to be done when it needs to be done. With that said, I think that we all can get better at managing our stress and enjoying the fruits of our hard work by simply taking a "chill pill" approach to dealing with our stress levels.

Here are some basic strategies that I apply that help me manage my stress

1. Have an attitude of gratitude: Developing a attitude of gratitude is a psychologically proven way to reduce stress and maintain a more positive outlook on life. When you have a more positive outlook (and less of the stress hormone cortisol) you are happier and more productive, too.

2. Stay Positive: Easier said than done? Sometimes. But successful people tend to be those who see opportunities for growth masquerading as failure, and who look for the lessons learned when something goes awry, instead of wallowing in what could’ve/should’ve been. Maintaining a positive outlook is a proven stress management tool. If affirmations aren’t exactly your thing, try reframing negative thoughts. If you find yourself dwelling on something negative, try adding, “But what I can learn from this is…” Even just noticing that you’re stuck in a negative thought can help you move away from it.

3. Are Ok With Failure: No one is perfect. Not even the most successful people on the planet are perfect - and they would almost certainly tell you the same. As Richard Branson would say, fail quickly, fail big, learn from it, and move on. Many of us worship the cult of perfection, but letting it go may release us from a heavy burden of undue stress.

4. Take Care of Themselves: Successful people often have the presence of mind to realize that they must care for their most important asset - themselves - in order to continue to be successful. They prioritize healthy habits like getting enough sleep, limiting caffeine and alcohol, getting proper exercise, and switching off from technology periodically. Being overly tired, hopped up on chemicals (like caffeine and alcohol) and constantly monitoring our digital lives puts our adrenal glands into overdrive, and our stress levels through the roof. A truly successful person will strive to find balance to help moderate his stress.

5. Keep Things Simple: One major cause of stress is the number of decisions we have to make in a day. Every decision from whether to have the sandwich or the salad all the way up to hiring and firing decisions weighs on us and causes us stress. Relying on simple routines like having the same lunch every day, answering emails at the same time, or even simplifying your wardrobe can help save your stress and sanity for the bigger decisions that really matter.

The biggest thing to remember is that we have a lifetime to achieve our goals. Anyone who pursues anything worth having is going to face obstacles and deal with stress. Enjoy your business pursuits by keeping a smile on your face & sharing your successes with the people you care about along the journey. Be happy, be healthy, be successful!

Jason Rose